Hong Kong


Academic paper


"China travels - Remarks on the development of tourism in China"




This paper focuses on the tourism development of China and the potential and attractiveness of the Chinese market for Alpine regions.

The paper is expanded by personal experiences on site. 




Reference: Schuckert, M., Wassler, P., Chon, K. (2016). China travels - Remarks on the development of tourism in China. In H. Siller & A. Zehrer (Eds.), Entrepreneurship und Tourismus: Unternehmerisches Denken und Erfolgskonzepte aus der Praxis ( 2nd. ed.) (pp. 129-138). Vienna, Austria: Linde Verlag. 


Academic Paper

Hong Kong
Katharina Anna Aschenwald
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 144.7 KB


China travels - Remarks on the development of tourism in China
Katharina Anna Aschenwald
Adobe Acrobat Dokument 151.8 KB

Task: Based on the literature and your own findings, give and overwiev on tourism development in China and critically discuss the potential and attractiveness of the Chinese market for Alpine regions.